His mouth was all puffed up where he had taken a rifle butt. 他的嘴上挨了枪托的地方都肿了起来。
Hold the rifle butt tightly. 抓紧枪托。
He was convicted of killing an Israeli in front of his four-year-old daughter in1979 and then smashing her head with a rifle butt. 他由于当着一个4岁以色列女孩儿的面杀害了她的父亲,然后用枪托砸碎了这个女孩儿的头,被以色列法庭裁定有罪。
Those unhappy children who lived for years in fear of the beating of a rifle butt on their door; 多少不幸的孩子,年复一年生活在害怕听到枪托敲门声的恐惧之中;
Captain Nemo alerted his companion to this hideous crustacean, which a swing of the rifle butt quickly brought down, and I watched the monster's horrible legs writhing in dreadful convulsions. 尼摩船长把这个怕人的甲壳类动物指给他的同伴看,他的同伴一枪托打死了它,我看见这个怪物的丑陋脚爪作怕人的抽搐,拼命挣扎。
First, if the rifle butt grasps not tightly, when gun violent beat, the rifle butt could hit finger's joint many, the number of times very easy to create the damage. 首先,枪把如果握得不紧,在枪猛烈的跳动时,枪把会撞击手指的关节,次数多了很容易造成损伤。